Change is coming, more than your tiny brain can imagine. My one satisfaction is knowing it will take you by surprise.

He had developed a theory of literature based on cockney rhyming slang. His final work was entitled “Gertrude,” but the book contained no person or thing of that name.

They consistently allowed themselves to be at their worst with each other, which when you think about it is kind of beautiful.

Notes, 4 am
1) the past is a hallucination
2) worst possible combination: eternal life, no god

On Sunday night he put on his work suit and sat in a chair until dawn.

Sleep—when there’s nowhere else to go.

Whenever I see an advertisement cut to a soundtrack of “What a Wonderful World,” I always feel like I’m being sold a great big steaming pile of shit.

In an early draft she referred to him as “recessive to the point of nonexistent,” but then later edited him out.

Fathers, sons, baseball: bad movies

It took him a while to realize that what he thought of as ‘acting like a jerk’ was what other people called ‘being a jerk.’

As we threw out the remains of the litter box we realized this was the last vestige of his physical presence—a fittingly catlike form of scattering ashes—and cried like babies.

If I died right now it would be happily, with your vegetables prepped on the kitchen counter, your carrots and onions on the stove, and the sounds of yard work drifting in the window.

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